Saturday, 21 March 2015

How To Book Railway Tickets Using SMS/Without Internet

Booking Railway tickets online is a very handy thing and a brilliant idea to keep yourself safe from the line that take ages to complete. But the sad story is, Indian railway website, which allows you to do that runs on a very crappy server. It is one of the busiest site of the country but still lacks proper servers which are needed for it. It has a bandwidth of about 800 GB, which is high yet not enough. A normal traffic session can be upto 150,000 realtime users, which is too high for such bandwidth. Resulting which, this much traffic leads to downtime, affecting thousands of people who wanna stay away from that damn line ! But there is a new feature which Railway recently introduced to make you more comfortable with the ticket bookings. You can now book railway tickets via SMS only. That’s right, and today we gonna be talking about how can you book train tickets via SMS.
All of us knows that it is a very hard to get railway tickets via physical stalls and other booking areas. You firstly have to find the right place, then get into the line. You may need to spend even more time if the tickets are not available or all of your’s train get booked due to the late you did by standing in line. Now, I’m not suggesting you to break the ‘line laws’ and get into front without having your turn, but telling you to use modern methods of booking tickets via your home only.

How To Book Railway Tickets From SMS

Instead to expanding servers, Indian Railway has came with a very unique way of ticket bookings. You can now book tickets by just messaging a Phrase. Also, it is as simple as the website use to allow you. But an advantage here is that you don’t ever be need to be worried about downtime, as its an SMS-based method.

One thing to keep in mind is : for the first time, it won’t be easy (Especially if you are not using ICICI), but few customization with your bank account, you’ll be able to make it in seconds. So keep the thing in your mind and immediately do all the settings if you wanna stay away that time-killing line in future.
  1. Firstly, you need to have an IRCTC Account in order to book tickets via SMS. It will ask you for your desired username, email and Phone number (and few other things). You can create your IRCTC account from here.
  2. IMPS (Immediate Payment Service) is a thing which is mandatory here, but not for ICICI users (So, if you are, skip to step). To check wheter your bank supports Immediate Payment System, Click here.
  3. Next step will be getting your MMID, which you can get by calling your bank or do it on the bank website. But keep this in mind you’ll need to have an IMPS-enabled bank.
  4. After requesting the MMID, note it and the One Time Password (OTP)
  5. Now eligible too book train via SMS,

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